the Bedside
"During the past months, on my bedside table these books have stopped, some light and funny, just for leisure, others a bit 'heavier, for the seriousness of the topics covered. Of each, I will write a sentence (or more), which I liked it."
Kathryn Stockett in The help
A commode - word of French origin for comfortable, easy probably borrowed from the Latin word commodus - is a piece of furniture generally made of wood, of low height - almost a sort of low wardrobe - and large drawers or doors designed to contain lingerie normally or household linen or even objects of a different nature.
It is sometimes characterized by its squat and rococo style legs. By contraction, in Italy, it is also called a dresser. In the reduced version often used next to the bed is called a bedside table. In some regions, especially in Tuscany, it is called a dresser